If you have ever lived in an apartment and you’re anything like me, then it is almost torturous to have the same layout for the entire time. Unfortunately you are locked into a lease and you have to make the best of it. Even if you loved your place when you moved in you could get bored of the way your things are set up. That being said, I wish my girlfriend and I had a second bedroom so we could put all our workout stuff in. Yes we could just go down to the fitness center in our apartment complex but honestly I feel a little odd due to its close proximity to the leasing center. Going to a gym is one thing but I like to work out when I can upstairs.
A few things that I have found to be very useful in working out in my apartment are resistance bands, a pull up bar and a punching bag of any weight. The resistance bands offer incredible versatility because you can use them as nearly any piece of gym equipment. For instance you stand on them and curl or wrap your back in them and do push ups with added resistance. You can use them in almost any way and get a good work out going.
The pull-up bar is used of course for pull ups but you can take the punching bag, hang it from your pull up bar and do some light kicks and punches. I used to have a punching bag stand with a 100 pound bag and I loved punching it and kicking it. It was one of the best workouts I have ever done and I was very disappointed when I got rid of the bag and stand. The punching bag can be used as other things too. You can bench it or squat with it. Almost anything you do with weights or without weights can be done with this punching bag. It is a little cumbersome even if it is a light weight bag. You can train your auxiliary muscles this way too. Due to the awkward nature of working with the bag your body needs to stay straight and stable with.
These options have really made it easier to work out at home and It is a very affordable option, the bag was just about $35, you can get a pull up bar for $10-15 and the resistance bands cost me about $18 on amazon. So it is a very viable option if you don’t want to spend the money on a pricey gym membership or if you just don’t like working out in public settings.